Cel de-al 49-lea Congres Național al Societății Române de Diabet,
Nutriție și Boli Metabolice a fost creditat cu 17 credite EMC
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Steering Committee of the Romanian Society of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, we have the great honour to invite you to participate in the 49th edition of the National Congress of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, which will take place during May 21-24, 2023, at Poiana Brașov.
The National Congress of the Romanian Society of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, edition 2023, is held under the concept of “Metabolic and nutritional medicine – tradition and innovation” and is addressed to primary care physicians, specialists and residents in diabetes and other medical specialties.
During the event, you will have the opportunity to participate in scientific sessions, workshops, original research papers, in a traditional medical event and you will benefit from relevant and updated information from national opinion leaders, but also from international guests.
We are convinced that by providing up-to-date information and by your active participation in the Congress sessions, we can deepen together the new knowledge in the field aimed at the most effective management of people with diabetes.
Thus, through our continuous professional development, through the permanent updating of scientific information and interdisciplinary collaboration, we are convinced that we will contribute together to improving the care of people with diabetes in Romania.
We hope that your attendance at the 49th edition of the National Congress of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases will contribute to the success of this scientific event.
Prof. Univ. Dr. Gabriela Radulian
President SRDNBM
General information about the congress
Metabolic and nutritional medicine – tradition and innovation
Date: May 21-24, 2023
Location: Poiana Brașov, Romania
Official languages: Romanian and English
General theme: Metabolic and nutritional medicine – tradition and innovation
• Scientific sessions with important national and international KOLs
• State of the Art
• Interactive sessions and workshops
• Premiering events
• Sessions dedicated to resident physicians
• Invited conferences
Registration of Abstracts is finished.
For details, please contact us at the email address: congres2023@societate-diabet.ro
Congress of the Romanian Society of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 2023
May 21 – 24, 2023
Poiana Brașov, Romania
Event management: Sănătatea Press Group
Contact person:
Cristian Bubu – Event coordinator
(for information regarding registration, event logistics)
Phone: 0725.580.406
E-mail: evenimente@sanatateapress.ro